My Mother's Revenge was the first novel I wrote. Although I had been "thinking" about writing a novel for many years before I actually sat down and started it, and I knew that I would someday "do it," I had no idea how it would affect me. It nearly caused a divorce. After finally "doing it" I realized that it was consuming me to the extent that nothing matter except the story. I was working offshore at the time as a cook, and I almost lost my job because of the time I was taking to "write"" when I should have been actually doing my job. But, as said, it consumed every waking hour and sometimes would wake me up at night to scribble down notes, which would turning into whole chapters, causing me to lose sleep and therefore not able to completely do my og of feeding the guys I was hired to feed. The thing was that I knew what was happening. I knew I was wrong in allowing the story to take possession of me. I knew it, but I didn't give a damn. This was the firstborn. The baby. Nothing else mattered. When I was home I spent most of my time sitting in front of the word processor (I didn't have a computer at that time) and would only come up for air to use the bathroom and eat. I only ate because I felt I had to because my wife, Dottie, cooked it for me and I felt I owned her that much. that was nice of me, huh? Even as I ate I was constantly writing myself notes and only answering her in unrecognizable grunts. I gulped the food down and rushed back to the word processor, shut the door (threatening bodily harm if it was opened for any reason except for fire) and wrote. I wrote the four hundred plus novel in three months. then took five more years or longer constantly tweaking it, even as I wrote my second novel, Margaret and David: A Love Story.
All the while I was writing cover letters and synopsis and whatever the publisher's and agent's wanted, plus the first five chapters of the manuscript or the complete manuscript. I spent much more money than I could afford to spend sending the damn manuscript here and there and . . . Wherever. Why? Because in my naivety I thought I had a book, a suspenseful thriller which would become a best seller on the New York Times Ton Ten List, plus invites to appear on Oprah and similar shows. I would be a novelist.
Of course, it did not happen. I blamed everybody but myself. "They just publish the same tired old authors, they won't take a chance on somebody new" was one of basic refrains about my failure to get a publisher to give me any encouragement. In later years, I realized that although there was some truth in that oft-repeated statement, a lot of the fault lay in the fact that I wasn't the writer I thought I was. Not that it discouraged me. No. I kept writing and kept tinkering with My Mother's Revenge until I believe I have it as good as I can write it. Then, many books, and many years later, I decided that if I was to ever hold a book I had written in my hands I would have to self publish. And so I did. And so I still do. My dream has partly come true. I am a published author. I have written nine books, working on two more simultaneously as we speak.
Enough. For now. Here is a brief synopsis and where you can find My Mother's Revenge.
Kathy Albertini has tried to distance herself from the "family" most of her life. It hasn't been easy to do because her father Angelo serves as the Godfather of the Dixie Mafia. Still, she has persevered and is working for The Times-Picayune in
As My Mother's Revenge begins Kathy is trying to put her life in order. Things are going good except for the nightmares; she can't seem to shake those dreams of her mother's ordeal. Into this already troubled life another set of problems arises. She is being stalked, and not only stalked, but whoever it is leaves cryptic notes in his wake. The one lone ray of sunshine is John Leveritt, the cub reporter at The Times Picayune. Finally she has met the man of her dreams. She tries to juggle John, the wonderful person she has just met and the maniac who is terrorizing her, but eventually it all gets to be much too much and she finds herself on a houseboat at the mercy of a demon from her father's past. She is merely a means to an end, and that end is the demise of her father, Angelo Albertini.
Lulu (Paperback) . . . $15.95
Kindle . . . $10.00
Amazon.com . . . $15.92
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