the dawning of a new year
plods unwaveringly toward
the sheared sheep
while we
the sheep waiting to be sheared
shoot play rockets in the air
blow up balloons
to bring in this new decade
our leaders
from Hussein to the
Senate and the House of Representatives
on down to local elected officials
are spittin' in our faces
and calling it rain
nothing but abuse of power
they're stickin' it to us
because they can
they are not only discourteous
they are sneeringly disrespectful
used to be
once upon a time
there were two parties
in Washington
one balancing the other out
no more
Hussein's party is like pit bulls
always on the attack
never letting go of the prize
the other one
the limp-wristed one's
the Runpublicans
tuck their tails and slink away
while the majority of the American public
is being dealt
degrading and insulting defeat
as religious totalitarianism
can you say theocracy
is beginning to be smelled from afar
(where's the ACLU)
plants its foot
squarely on our backs
somewhere, somehow the idea of government
by and for the people
have been discarded like so many
table scraps
after an elite and smug banquet
while we
find ourselves clinging to beliefs of old
such as
pride in who we are
not championing diversity
not Mexican-Americans
to stand up for diversity
is foolish and destructive
see what it has gotten us, huh?
the mere word
diverse means different
not the same
the crack in the Republic has been widened by that word
if you live in America
you should call yourself an American
fuck the hyphen
standing strong and united
for the mother country
putting her down
we have lost our soul
suicide by apathy
a very slow bleed
©December 25, 2009 / Jerry Pat Bolton