Friday, December 18, 2009

Life's Sonnet #2

The fall season is sad to me,
No joy found in the cooling breeze,
Leaves fall to ground give me no glee.
I think of love's many degrees.

A young love that blooms in the spring,
Grows and thrives in summertime sun,
Everything perfect for queen and king,
But autumn find love almost done.

All that's left is winter's cold chill,
To shatter love's bough to the quick.
Leaving lovers to pay the bill,
And dismantle love brick by brick.

Spring awaits the fair maiden's thoughts,
Will love return or will it naught.

©September 26, 2009 / Jerry Pat Bolton


  1. Oh, Jerry, Beautiful poem, but I'd have to disagree... Winter brings love quite often... Look around at all the birthdays celebrated in September and October!! Short winter days bring long nights... ;o)

  2. Well thank you Alex, but I have to ask, what do birthdays in September and October have to do with love. If it is because they were conceived in the act of love, I can agree on that, but the act of conceiving would not have been in September and October, it would have been nine months earlier. Yeah, I know, I am getting picky. Haha
