Monday, December 28, 2009


the dawning of a new year
plods unwaveringly toward
the sheared sheep
while we
the sheep waiting to be sheared
shoot play rockets in the air
blow up balloons
to bring in this new decade
our leaders
from Hussein to the
Senate and the House of Representatives
on down to local elected officials
are spittin' in our faces
and calling it rain
nothing but abuse of power
they're stickin' it to us
because they can
they are not only discourteous
they are sneeringly disrespectful
used to be
once upon a time
there were two parties
in Washington
one balancing the other out
no more
Hussein's party is like pit bulls
always on the attack
never letting go of the prize
the other one
the limp-wristed one's
the Runpublicans
tuck their tails and slink away
while the majority of the American public
is being dealt
degrading and insulting defeat
as religious totalitarianism
can you say theocracy
is beginning to be smelled from afar
(where's the ACLU)
plants its foot
squarely on our backs
somewhere, somehow the idea of government
by and for the people
have been discarded like so many
table scraps
after an elite and smug banquet
while we
find ourselves clinging to beliefs of old
such as
pride in who we are
not championing diversity
not Mexican-Americans
to stand up for diversity
is foolish and destructive
see what it has gotten us, huh?
the mere word
diverse means different
not the same
the crack in the Republic has been widened by that word
if you live in America
you should call yourself an American
fuck the hyphen
standing strong and united
for the mother country
putting her down

we have lost our soul
suicide by apathy
a very slow bleed

©December 25, 2009 / Jerry Pat Bolton

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

remembering this day from times past
giddy anticipation
in my thoughts
like an empty glass waiting to be filled
on the morrow when St. Nick
comes to town
would that red Schwinn bicycle
be under the Christmas tree?

Christmas Eve Night
tried to stay awake
gonna catch Santa in the act
always fell asleep
don't know to this day
how I managed
to do that
with all the excited anticipation

that, of course was then
this is yet
another Christmas Eve
I have lived to see
gone for many years
is the vibrant giddiness
that excited anticipation
will I be able to sleep tonight?

visions of sugar plums and Santa
will not keep me awake
still, I've no doubt
sleep will be hard to come by
Christ in the Manger
is on my thoughts
as never before in my many years
on earth

something else
bothers me
this Christmas Eve
a runaway train
not Santa
wondering if he will bring
that red Schwinn bicycle
on Christmas morn

no, a darkening cloud
hovers o'er our heads
picking up speed
like a runaway freight train
as it races
closer and closer
to totalitarianism
in the guise of "helping" us

where is
when we need Him?
when life as we know it is
as we follow
those who we trust with our lives

He is there
where he has always been
waiting for us to
come back to Him
and relinquish the unhealthy hold
of secularism
and return to sanity

He is there
where He had always been

©December 24, 2009 / Jerry Pat Bolton

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What The Hell Is The Matter With Our Leaders?

The Republic developed a crack
When President Roosevelt imposed
His own government takeover bid
I am aware of the Great Depression
Aware something had to be done
Thing is
He went too far
Making a crack in the foundation
Of the Constitution
With the advent of The New Deal
Since that creeping government takeover
We've been hell-bent
On surrendering our sovereignty
Each preceding president adding to the total
Except for one
President Ronald Reagan
Now we have a monster on our hands
Now we have a man
Ready and willing to destroy an America
He despises
And turn it into a glorified gulag
Armed with his "Private Citizen Army"
Funded more or greater than the regular army
Are they walking the streets already?
Say ACORN . . .
Nobody sees the evil in this?
In this voter intimidation?
The "high, lofty sentiments" which came into play
For the voters of America
Has foolishly turned over to a vowed anarchist
Has scornfully said
The Constitution needs working on
Refuses to pay respect to our flag
Because he doesn't think it is his flag?
Health care
Global warming
Don't get me started

©December 20, 2009 / Jerry Pat Bolton

Friday, December 18, 2009

Life's Sonnet #2

The fall season is sad to me,
No joy found in the cooling breeze,
Leaves fall to ground give me no glee.
I think of love's many degrees.

A young love that blooms in the spring,
Grows and thrives in summertime sun,
Everything perfect for queen and king,
But autumn find love almost done.

All that's left is winter's cold chill,
To shatter love's bough to the quick.
Leaving lovers to pay the bill,
And dismantle love brick by brick.

Spring awaits the fair maiden's thoughts,
Will love return or will it naught.

©September 26, 2009 / Jerry Pat Bolton

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Life's Sonnet #1

My foresight and reality are one,
I cannot divide them in two, you see;
They help me as I look toward the sun,
Foresight, reality and me are three.

My heart tells me no, look back to the past,
I calm my heart with tenderness and care,
And say there is a future unsurpassed,
If we but reach for it, it will be there.

This inner struggle has cost us a lot,
The pursuit of the beyond scares us both,
Still, it's not too late a dream to be sought,
A paltry weed needs the sun for its growth.

We wake up and look for the morning light,
From it we ascend to infinite heights.

©September 25, 2009 / Jerry Pat Bolton

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Muslim president
usurper of the throne
hemorrhaging across the land
freedom laid to waste
Flag thrown in the gutter
dispirited, without hope, bleeding within
stunned look on too many faces
bumper stickers saying
don’t blame me I didn’t vote for him
lame excuse
but they just have to say something
dark cloud hovers
smothers and settles down
freedom’s just another word
if spoken gets you sent to the “camps”
works its charm
keeps people quiet
keeps people informing on neighbors
on strangers, even family
citizen army strong, regular army decimated
a terrifying time for some
utopia for the rest
history déjà vu all over again
resistance stomped into the ground
only one voice
The Messiah
ineffectual person in charge
distorted and perverted use of the Constitution
their gods are power and silencing opposition
teaching school children his praises
allowing no descent
run, rabbit, run
hope and change, hope and change, hope and . . .
justice denied
the bully pulpit
the bully street thugs

a faint flame burns for freedom
kept alive by those who understand
by those who risk death
all this
written about
in my novel
Margaret and David: A Love Story

©December 6, 2009 / Jerry Pat Bolton

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We Have Some Time

caught me staring
vivid emerald eyes stared back
asking the unasked
touching my soul
saying she understood
of this visual tête-à-tête

Meandering stream
rippling surface current
beneath antediluvian oak
laden with vibrant green leaves
nature's awning
a blanket spread
impending lovers
cool gentle zephyr
twin passion to impede

My trembling hand she took
to her breast
natural crimson lips touched
my bone dry mouth
lingered there
tasting of jasmine sachet
tentative tongue
scorched mine
set off
simultaneous sighs

We have some time
whispered mouth against my ear
hot against passion spent
tangled skirt
twisted pants strewn
here and there
I knew not words
to answer

Old am I now
life lived did survive
never forgot
nameless girl
ancient oak
summer days of love
tender and good
jasmine smells
memory haunted by her words
We have some time