Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What The Hell Is The Matter With Our Leaders?

The Republic developed a crack
When President Roosevelt imposed
His own government takeover bid
I am aware of the Great Depression
Aware something had to be done
Thing is
He went too far
Making a crack in the foundation
Of the Constitution
With the advent of The New Deal
Since that creeping government takeover
We've been hell-bent
On surrendering our sovereignty
Each preceding president adding to the total
Except for one
President Ronald Reagan
Now we have a monster on our hands
Now we have a man
Ready and willing to destroy an America
He despises
And turn it into a glorified gulag
Armed with his "Private Citizen Army"
Funded more or greater than the regular army
Are they walking the streets already?
Say ACORN . . .
Nobody sees the evil in this?
In this voter intimidation?
The "high, lofty sentiments" which came into play
For the voters of America
Has foolishly turned over to a vowed anarchist
Has scornfully said
The Constitution needs working on
Refuses to pay respect to our flag
Because he doesn't think it is his flag?
Health care
Global warming
Don't get me started

©December 20, 2009 / Jerry Pat Bolton


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Jerry,
    I can feel the frustration in your words... Constitution is IT and it needs no work, it needs to be restored as it was meant to be the Law of the Land. Wish you all the best for creation of your new book!!

    PS. You might like my "Puppet Show" poem at

