Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

remembering this day from times past
giddy anticipation
in my thoughts
like an empty glass waiting to be filled
on the morrow when St. Nick
comes to town
would that red Schwinn bicycle
be under the Christmas tree?

Christmas Eve Night
tried to stay awake
gonna catch Santa in the act
always fell asleep
don't know to this day
how I managed
to do that
with all the excited anticipation

that, of course was then
this is yet
another Christmas Eve
I have lived to see
gone for many years
is the vibrant giddiness
that excited anticipation
will I be able to sleep tonight?

visions of sugar plums and Santa
will not keep me awake
still, I've no doubt
sleep will be hard to come by
Christ in the Manger
is on my thoughts
as never before in my many years
on earth

something else
bothers me
this Christmas Eve
a runaway train
not Santa
wondering if he will bring
that red Schwinn bicycle
on Christmas morn

no, a darkening cloud
hovers o'er our heads
picking up speed
like a runaway freight train
as it races
closer and closer
to totalitarianism
in the guise of "helping" us

where is
when we need Him?
when life as we know it is
as we follow
those who we trust with our lives

He is there
where he has always been
waiting for us to
come back to Him
and relinquish the unhealthy hold
of secularism
and return to sanity

He is there
where He had always been

©December 24, 2009 / Jerry Pat Bolton